My Life Has Consisted of Non-Stop Problems and Pains, He Turned My Life Around From Dumps to Happiness

Salaam Brothers and Sisters,

This is a story of how my life has drastically changed and improved since meeting Peer Saab. The last four (4** years of my life have consisted of non-stop problems and pains. Regular visits to the doctors, and scan/x-rays, everything was going bad for me. I had no energy to even stand up, let alone do any house chores. I would go hospital and they would scan me, but every time the results diagnosed negative and was told everything is fine with me. This was to my disbelief because of all the suffering and agony I am going through and there was no found cause. I felt like giving up and all my hopes were lost. I was stressed out as I didn’t know what to do, where to go, who to go to. It was like my life was at a painful standstill not knowing whether I could make it through this. This was where I explained this to my friend and she told me about Peer Saab. After listening to my friend’s story, I went with my husband to meet Peer Saab.

As I entered the room, I felt a pure sense of purity and an awe of amazement. Peer Saab was so nice; he listened to all my problems and made me feel comfortable. It was like I knew them for years. Compared to some Peer’s who give attention to people they know but Peer Saab treated me equal to everyone else. He gave me Taweez to drink for a number of selected days and a Taweez to wear around my neck. Gradually, I could feel the difference on me. Whenever I needed them they were there for me.

Symptoms: Constantly vomiting whilst consuming food which had caused me a lot of weight loss. Sleepless nights, I would try my utmost to sleep but would find it difficult in doing so. Everything felt dull around me, seems as though a curse was upon my household as everything seemed to be on a standstill. My husband would see black shadows moving within our household during night and day periods, constantly depressed without any valid reason, suffering pains all over his body, excessive weight loss.

I become Ba’it (meaning Follower of Sheikh) with them. Whenever, my pains came back all I have to do is speak to Peer Saab and they do prayers and Masa’Allah it helps me a great amount as I am still on the road of recovery. I can call them any time, as there is no need for appointments.

Alhamdulillah, I and my husband are leading once again a normal life thanks to the blessings that Allah (swt) has given this blessed Peer Saab. He has healed many people alike of similar illnesses, and Alhamdulillah he has the prayers to heal & cure other types of illnesses, diseases with the will of Allah (swt). All Peer Saab asks is for is a little donation towards an educational institute/ masjid that he is raising funds for which is not of a large sum compared to other false saints.

I can finally say that I have the strength to pick myself up and carry on with my life. I cannot thank Peer Saab enough as He has turned my life around from dumps to happiness. My two youngest sons are very close to Peer Saab, they feel as if they have known them all their lives. Its one of the most beautiful sense of feeling you could possibly have. Thank you. Jazakallah Khair

Asalaam Alaykum
(Peace / Tranquility / Sincerity)